What Do You Really Get In A Hello Fresh Box?

Hello Fresh may have been around for a while now, but there will still be people who do not really understand the premise of what Hello Fresh and companies like Hello Fresh really offer. Bearing that in mind, we thought we’d take the time to fully explain what a meal kit delivery service offers and what, in particular, you really get in a Hello Fresh box.
Hopefully, by the end of this article you’ll know everything you need to know about Hello Fresh and whether it is the right service for you. For, while so many of their customers find it an incredibly useful product that adds a huge amount of value to their lives, there are some that will still be hesitant to take the plunge.
We also go over some other key ideas that novice Hello Fresh users may be worried about before receiving their first box. By exploring some of the basics, you’ll be sure that you are getting everything out of your subscription that you possibly can.
What is Hello Fresh?
So let’s take things back to basics. Hello Fresh is a meal kit delivery service, but what exactly is that?
A meal kit delivery service, similar to Hello Fresh is a service where you receive a delivery of ingredients to make specific recipes that you have chosen to cook that week. While not all companies like Hello Fresh offering this service will have exactly the same process, the idea is that you receive a box of ingredients on the same day every week.
The majority of these companies deliver that food in an insulated box so that you do not have to worry about being in to take the delivery to ensure your food does not get too warm, left on your doorstep. Instead, it is kept nice and cool inside your box with other contents to make a delicious meal.
Hello Fresh has a fantastic website which is where users log into their account and pick their recipe selections every week. Some businesses similar to Hello Fresh may choose them for you, but with Hello Fresh if you pick them before you cut off point, you can always select the recipes you want to eat. That can be great as it can mean you can cater for fussy eaters more easily, or pick a wide range of cuisines to eat all in the same week.
Perhaps most crucially, Hello Fresh is an incredibly valuable time saver. Instead of spending time going to the supermarket, food planning, and nipping out when you inevitably run out of a much needed ingredient, Hello Fresh takes care of all that hassle for you. You know when you order a meal kit from Hello Fresh:
- you’ll get all the food you need each week to make yourself a meal.
- That picking a wide range of meals is also a breeze. With just a few clicks on their website, you have selected enough meals to feed your family for the number of days you choose.
- That meals are well balanced and nutritious as they have been chef designed so you do not have to worry about whether there is enough protein, veg or carbs in each of your dishes.
Do you get everything you need in a Hello Fresh box?
So many new users of Hello Fresh worry that they won’t have what they need to make the meals in a Hello Fresh box when they’ve made a selection from the Hello Fresh menu (UK). The fact of the matter is all you need in your larder is some oil, salt, pepper, a knife and a saucepan. If you need a ‘special’ piece of equipment, Hello Fresh recipes will provide a suggestion as to how to get the same effect without it.
Other than that, you get every single thing you need for a recipe - even if its for the smallest amount of something. If a recipe calls for a teaspoon of chilli flakes, and that’s it, Hello Fresh will deliver a teaspoon of them as opposed to a whole jar.
That’s a great advantage as it means the companies, and those similar to Hello Fresh, are helping to reduce food wastage. That’s particularly crucial when it comes to preparing vegetables. So many of us buy fresh veg in the supermarket, only for that veg to go off before we can make use of it. Or, your own chosen recipe only calls for a small amount of that particular ingredient. As a result, you either have shoehorn that ingredient into almost every other thin you eat that week, or it is left to languish at the bottom of the fridge.
Does HelloFresh box include meat?
The Hello Fresh menu (UK) and subsequent Hello Fresh boxes are definitely suitable for meat eaters. The company has a wide array of recipes which use different meats as the star ingredient. What’s great about that is, you can appeal to every single taste bud of every single member of your household over the course of a week. But also, you simply expose yourself to new ways of cooking. You may not be that experienced in cooking pork, for example, yet Hello Fresh has so many different ways of cooking it. And it varies the cuts of meat used too, so you are not pigeon holed into only using chicken breast in chicken recipes, or lamb mince in others for instance.
However, if you’re not a massive meat eater - or indeed are full on veggie - there are lots of options to choose from each week. The company does not currently guarantee that it will offer vegan options though, so if you want to go totally plant based, you may have weeks where Hello Fresh does not always have a recipe for you. That being said, many will be highly adaptable so you can make them vegan should you choose.
There’s also fish in many recipes too so if you have a pescatarian to cater for, you can do so with ease and minimal fuss.
How many meals are in a Hello Fresh box?
The number of meals you get in a Hello Fresh box will depend on the number that you choose. That may not immediately make sense to some - surely you want the maximum amount so you can make more savings through scale? However, you and your household are likely to have a busy, hectic schedule as so many of us do these days. As a result, there will be nights that you do not want a Hello Fresh meal as you are either out or happy to eat little more than eggs on toast.
If you need, though, you can order up to five recipes a week for up to four people. What’s great about offering only 5 recipes is that it ends up reducing waste. The likelihood is, that even if your diary says that all your household are going to be in every night that week, they won’t be. There will inevitably be days that you won’t have every seat full at the table or you may just want to be out yourself and not feel like you have to go home so as not to waste food! Bearing that in mind, only offering five recipes a week means you have the flexibility to go outside of the plan and even eat up any leftovers so as to reduce waste further.
What meals do you get with Hello Fresh?
For the most part, Hello Fresh is aimed at helping customers out with their main meals - which you can see clearly in the Hello Fresh menu (UK). Usually, that would be in the evening, though people can obviously enjoy making their food at any time of day they wish. Some recipes, while perhaps not really ever intended for breakfast, may be lighter and so happily eaten as a lunch.
There are also an increasing amount of desserts, side dishes and lunch kits available. Hello Fresh has recognised that its customer base, if they want help with their main meals, may well want help eating healthy “convenience” food for their other meals too. That is most likely the case for those who are using Hello Fresh as a means to stay on a diet where they are controlling their calorie count, limiting the amount of carbs they are ingesting, or simply those that want to cut down on the amount of processed foods in their diet.
Contents of a Hello Fresh Box
For those new to meal kit deliveries and Hello Fresh in particular, they may well be wondering what they will receive each week. Hello Fresh, as stated above, provides pretty much everything bar seasoning and the utensils needed to cook your food.
Buy the contents offer so much more than that too. They offer users a way to save time and stress when it comes to food prep. Hello Fresh helps solved your dinner problems while they do all the planning, shopping and delivering - leaving you only to whip up the contents when following the easy to read recipe cards. Then all you need to do is eat, relax and enjoy.