Unique Selling Point Of Hello Fresh For Busy Households

HelloFresh's unique selling point for busy households
We’re so often asked the question Is HelloFresh worth it? by our readers.
Sometimes, people seem to get flustered with just how simple an idea it is, and if it’s so simple, why didn't they subscribe before.
For whatever reason, something makes them sceptical about the product - can a meal kit delivery box really save them time?
Can it help them cater for their entire household? Even the fussy eaters?
Will it actually make their life any easier?
For us, the answer to all these questions is yes. But HelloFresh does have a unique selling point that we think makes it a standout choice for busy households.
We identify it below but also go into all the other reasons we love HelloFresh too - just so you can be sure that you are absolutely not signing up for a dud deal if you subscribe to HelloFresh today.
Reasons why we love HelloFresh
Here are the main reasons why we love HelloFresh and why so many customers repeatedly continue their subscriptions to the company.
Sometimes, if you do an online shop with a traditional supermarket, the food they deliver can be a bit substandard - particularly loose fruit and veg.
If you picked it yourself, you would ensure that there would be no bruises, for example, on your apples.
It can be worrying, then, when signing up to HelloFresh that you may receive low quality ingredients that are either damaged or not particularly enjoyable to eat.
That’s a worry that is unnecessary when it comes to HelloFresh. The company always ensures the highest quality with its ingredients.
It works closely with suppliers to ensure that it is always getting the best of the very best, which they can then deliver to customers, confident that they can make a fantastic home-cooked meal.
HelloFresh boxes turn up when they are meant to, with what they are meant to.
That’s crucial because if you couldn’t rely on the boxes, the service almost becomes null and void.
They’re meant to cut stress from your life by making cooking in the kitchen easy - through delivering ingredients for the recipes you have chosen.
If the boxes turn up with ingredients missing, or don't turn up at all, it means you have to go out and buy extra food - which may be time that you don’t have.
Having a reliable service is therefore vital and one of the driving factors behind why we love HelloFresh so much. It helps it fit into our lives, with minimal effort.
Recipe Choices
For any meal kit delivery company to be useful, it has to have a choice of recipes that are tasty to eat.
The HelloFresh meals list is, unsurprisingly, jam packed full with meals that are delicious but also easy to make thanks to their straightforward recipe cards.
Importantly the HelloFresh meals list highlights key features for each and every recipe - so vegetarian or speedy to cook, for example.
That’s crucial as it means picking from the vast choice remains quick and painless.
If choosing every recipe was a painstaking process, HelloFresh’s use to a busy household would diminish significantly.
Finally, the recipe choices change consistently so there is always something new to try.
Plus, each recipe has been curated by a chef and a nutritionist - so you know you get a great balance of flavour versus what is good for your body.
HelloFresh’s add-on selection is excellent, especially when compared to HelloFresh alternatives.
It helps make the service even more adaptable to a person’s needs and answers what a household requires in terms of food each week far more closely.
For example, being able to add lunchtime recipes to your box is a huge time saver as well as a relief for people who have to cater for several meals a day - whether for themselves or for others.
When you're busy with work, childcare or any other common day administrative tasks, having your catering all but taken care of is so helpful.
Add-ons are therefore a fantastic bonus to see in addition to the HelloFresh meals list.
Value for money
When a service is so helpful and so reliable, often, the expectation is that it must be expensive.
With HelloFresh, that simply isn’t the case. The company offers its service at an affordable price point, with cost per serving going down the more food you order.
So the larger your household, the cheaper it becomes.
While it is a little bit more expensive than the traditional supermarket shop, the value per serving is excellent.
Once you’ve factored in all the time saving you gain by not having to go to the supermarket as much, in addition to the reduction (if not eradication) of food waste, the cost per serving becomes exceptionally competitive if not comparable to your average basket at your local supermarket.
LIfestyle support
Convenience food is so often laden with sugar, salt or preservatives - making it bad for you and, a lot of the time, it’s not even that filling either. It means you need more of it to sustain yourself, all the while consuming food that isn’t good for you and can negatively affect your health over time.
HelloFresh, arguably, is a convenience food - yet it contains none of the preservatives, sugar or salt that typical ready-made food does.
Instead, you make the meals at home yourself but because all the ingredients have been delivered straight to your door, after just a few clicks of your computer's mouse it’s exceptionally convenient.
What’s better than that? You haven’t had a meal plan, nor do you have to go trawling through recipe books for recipes that fit your dietary requirements or lifestyle.
You can see straight away on HelloFresh’s easy to navigate website which dishes are the most suitable for you.
Hellofresh’s Unique Selling Point
It’s the cumulative effect of all the above factors that add up to HelloFresh’s unique selling point. It’s great to see that the HelloFresh meals list, for example, is such a helpful tool in supporting a person’s lifestyle choices - while the quality and reliability of the ingredients and service in general means that it’s a product that will keep customers coming back.
When that’s coupled with the value for money that people can derive from using HelloFresh, it makes for a very compelling argument to consistently use the company’s meal kit delivery service.
So while your food bill may be a little more each week, you gain so much more than you would a traditional supermarket shop.
Time and stress are freed up, while enjoyment returns to the kitchen as well as over the dinner table.
HelloFresh Alternatives
If you don’t think the above is the reason (or reasons!) enough to subscribe to HelloFresh, there are a couple of HelloFresh alternatives that we think also offer a fantastic product.
GreenChef is still a meal kit delivery company - only with a slight difference. It offsets all its operational and delivery carbon emissions so that customers can reduce their own carbon footprint when buying their weekly food.
It also allocates all recipes into different categories which can help individuals who are trying to follow specific diets and lifestyles.
In the past, we have found that the range of options available aren’t as broad as on the HelloFresh meals list, but there was still plenty enough to tickle our taste buds.
However, the portion sizes are comparable and the quality of the ingredients are always of a high standard too.
Gousto is one of the biggest HelloFresh alternatives. And for good reason. It’s got a lot going for it - like collaborations with Joe Wicks and a vast catalogue of recipes available for customers to try. It also has many different cuisines within its meals list, in addition to ensuring that some of the recipes can be made in moments, while others take that little bit longer when customers have time to indulge their culinary skill in the kitchen.
It too has some add-ons - like drinks or desserts, though we tend to prefer the options HelloFresh provides which make their boxes that little bit more adaptable into a busy household’s world.
Is HelloFresh worth it?
With everything that it’s got going for it, HelloFresh is one of those lifestyle products that nobody ever regrets purchasing. With its unique selling point of doing all the basics and more to an exceptionally high standard, it’s a service that customers can rely upon to cut down on catering time each and every week.
That really amounts to a lot more time spent focusing on other areas of your life. Be it on a hobby or simply spending more time with family.
So is HelloFresh worth it? If it can free up your diary so that you are less stressed, able to feed your family a diet of nutritious and delicious food, and ultimately give you more energy, we absolutely think HelloFresh is worth it, and have no doubt that you’d agree.